IE Intelligente Energie-Systeme GmbH
- Registered energy auditor acc.§17 Energieeffizienzgesetz 2014
(EEffG - Austrian energy efficiency law) for all topics
(buildings, processes, transport)
- Registered auditor acc. §11 EZG 2011
(CO2 acc. emission trading scheme)
- CMVP certified by AEE und EVO
(Certified Measurement and Verification Professional)
- Qualification and authorisation as managing director acc. to Austrian waste
legislation §26 AWG 2002 (incl. authorisation for dangerous wastes)
- Ökomanagement NÖ
- EXAA trader examination for spot trading of electrical Energy
- EXAA trader examination for the trading with environmental products (CO2)
IE Intelligente Energie-Systeme GmbH | Westbahnstraße 8, A-1070 Vienna | | Impress